How I grew up the habit of writing on command in less than twenty one days – and how you can do too…
How I grew up the habit of writing on command in less than twenty one days – and how you can do too…
I love writing. I feel that writing is the flow of my mind. When I write I feel more relaxed and more confident just as if I am running. On a keyboard and a word processor or on a paper and pencil I feel the same.
The normal case is that you first have that love for reading then you can feel you need to write out what you are thinking about. But in my case it was the opposite.
Brain Machine Language
First I wanted so much to write my thoughts and feelings but I couldn’t figure out how to write and what to write about.
I remember back then when I first started writing I wrote some things that I told myself that nobody would understand.
I thought back then as if I were writing in some sort of the machine language of my brain. It could be interpreted only in my brain.
Wasting Time Excuse
I was so picky when I started reading. I felt that I must read the best books or if it were a bad or even a moderate quality book I would have been wasting my time.
That’s how I thought at first and that’s why I weren’t reading so much. In fact, I haven’t been reading at all for that reason. I only wanted the best books that can be of real value for me at that time. And that was a false excuse from my side.
But after, I started reading a lot. I found many books about self help and human development that were different than just books that tell you to think positive and cheer up.
I got connected to this new type of books that they not only have changed my point of view to self help but also have changed my view to books and reading in general.
After I changed my view to reading, I started looking for books without the fear of being wasting my time. I looked for the best sellers in fields I am interested in and it helped me a lot.
I knew then that the time I didn’t spend reading was the real waste of time.
Just as with the habit of reading, I’ve been only writing occasionally. Only if I had some ideas that I could put in words and that didn’t happen often.
Just as when I started reading regularly I found that I must also write on schedule. Because if you are only doing something occasionally you are deciding that you’re doing it just for fun.
Professionals have schedule and amateurs work on waves
If you let your work happen on waves of inspiration and sudden motivation then you are making it a hobby not a thing that you are professional in.
Think about how you go to work or school everyday even if you feel tired or if you don’t feel like you want to go there.
The decision
I realized this fact then I knew that if I wanted to shift writing to a new level I must make it a habit.
I used the power of habits to strengthen the habit of writing. It only started with a decision.
I’ve decided to write everyday. It may sound simple but it was hard.
NaNoWriMo Challenge
I’ve heard about the challenge long time ago and I thought that I couldn’t ever join something like that because I was writing only occasionally.
Only this year I found myself challenged and feeling confident to accept the challenge and start to write 1600 words everyday.
It worked fine with me for six days.
Only on the seventh day when I found the right formula of failure.
I thought that I made it. I finally could write whenever I wanted to write and that’s fine with me. Then I just stopped.
After the challenge has finished I felt like I’ve done the most stupid thing. How could I start something and feel good in doing then I quit only because I felt that I could succeed in it?
The ultimate formula of failure
I knew that this was the real reason and formula of failure.
The second ultimate and most successful formula of failure is to give up. The first is not to start at all.
After finding this formula and realizing what I’ve done to myself I then made the decision to start again but not to stop under any condition.
A decision without action is not a decision
That was a real decision. So I immediately took action and started without stopping.
I made my habit of writing daily consistent. In less than twenty one days I felt confident that I can write on command even if I didn’t have ideas of what to write at first.
I used my old strategy of starting to write and then ideas come after.
Objectives and Major Goals
Now that I could write on command I want to make some targets to reach.
1 I want to make better choices about what to write daily.
For example, I want to write on command about something I choose for that day or to write about one subject for an extended period of time like a week or two.
2 I also want to make writing be a process of research. If I write about something then I have to search it in books and online to make the best ideas about that subject.
Until now, I only write thoughts and experiments I have in mind and only when it could get out.
3 I want to have more time to read my articles regularly just as I read books of other authors. This feedback will enhance my ability to write better.
That’s all for now.
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