Talent is overrated

Talent is overrated

Deliberate Practice Makes Perfect 

Is talent is a magical gift for only some chosen people or we all have been given the same set of skills that make us equal??

Does motivation come from intrinsic or extrinsic sources, and which is better?
What can the environment do to the human to make him better or worse?

Do we have some genes for be capable of doing much effort to reach our goals?
Is there some people who have those genes that make them more motivated than others?

You are what you believe

If you believe that you can invest today from time, effort and money can be earned tomorrow then you can start with confidence towards what you do today. 

And if you believe that success comes from innate talent that you don’t possess then all your efforts can be wasted according to your way of thinking and then you wouldn’t put much effort in it to reach any goal.

Believe in yourself and in what you can do to do it better.
