How it looks like Inside Musk Land

I’ve just started reading the Elon Musk book for Ashlee Vance. The book from the beginning looks like a sci-fi story comics while telling things about Elon Musk himself and his challenging lifestyle.

Going through the book, finding more about Elon’s childhood and family. He proves my theory about many outliers and peak performers.

I had a theory that many top performers in the world, but not all of them of course, come from a similar field that their parents and grandparents come from.

They continue what they have started to crown their success or even their failures to success and build upon it to reach a world top level achievement.

The book reports that Elon’s grandparents had an aircraft at the start of the twentieth century in which they took their children to trips around the world.

His father was an engineer and he has taught him and his brother a lot about his profession. Although he has been very tough father as Elon pointed.

Elon loved to read as a child. He spent so much time reading fiction and science books. He would stay in the library until his parents come from their work.

And when he found a computer in the city mall he was taken by the idea that you could program something to do whatever you want.

Although his father’s opinion about this device is that it was just a game and couldn’t be used in real engineering work but he bought it to him.

The book started describing Musk Land, the SpaceX factory that manufactures reusable rockets those can enable cheap space flights.

I remember back in 2008 I knew about the electric cars and when I found Tesla Motors online I was fascinated by the idea of trying to make electric cars that can beat traditional cars. Only in less than eight years it became a reality that an electric car could surpass traditional cars in speed and safety tests.

At that time I had no idea about SpaceX. Only after a long time I knew about it.

I searched for images of SpaceX headquarters and found some great photos of world’s most ambitious company that want to save humanity by making mankind multi-planetary specie.
